Ana Desetnica 2017 4. Dan

Sienta la Cabeza (ESP)

Skupina iz Barcelone postavi na oder ekscentričen in barvit frizersko-kozmetični salon, v katerem ustvarjanje in domišljija nimata omejitev. Dva frizerja in DJ, ki skrbi za glasbeno spremljavo, reciklirajo in preoblikujejo vsakodnevne stvari v edinstvene predmete, ki dajo piko na i osupljivim skulpturam, v katere spremenijo glave bolj drznih članov publike. Pričeske ustvarjajo domišljije polno vesolje, kjer so možne najbolj divje sanje.

Sienta la Cabeza združuje frizerstvo in umetnost ter daje nov pomen sodelovanju z občinstvom, medtem ko glasba ustvarja eksotično glasbeno podlago, ki dodaja dimenzijo in barvo ustvarjanju pričesk.

Predstava, ob kateri vam bodo lasje dobesedno stali pokonci.


The Catalan group from Barcelona takes an excentric and colourful beauty salon on stage, where creation and fantasy have no limit. With two hairdressers and a DJ, the show recycles and transforms quotidian things into unique objects that give the final touch to the stunning head sculptures created live on the more daring members of the public.

Together with the music, the hairstyles recreate a universe full of fantasy where the wildest dreams are possible. Sienta la Cabeza combines hairdressing and art to give a new meaning to audience participation, whilst the music creates an exotic soundtrack that adds dimension and colour to creation of the hairstyles.

Literally a show that will make your hair stand on end, this is for you to see , hear, and try… if you dare!