Performativni pevski trio z naborom avtorskih ter po-bako in po-dedovanih pesmi. Bend, ki stopa po poteh Ne-ferstva. Grupa, ki se inspirira s šolskimi sistemi, vzgojnimi ter varnostnimi ukrepi, ljudskim izročilom in daje šanse organizaciji. Glas jim je prvi inštrument, od večglasja do improvizacije. Njihovi vplivi so orkester in zbor Etno histeria, Jazz klub Mezzoforte, Cirkus pri Koritu, ljudske pesmi iz Regije, Damir Avdić ter klubska scena od Sežane do Ljubljane.
A performative vocal trio with a collection of original and traditional songs, the group draw inspiration from educational systems, pedagogical and safety measures and folk traditions, as well as promote organizational opportunities. Their primary instrument is the voice, ranging from polyphony to improvisation. Their influences include the orchestra and choir Etno histeria, Jazz klub Mezzoforte, Cirkus pri Koritu, folk songs, Damir Avdić and the club scene from Sežana to Ljubljana.