Kot se za Ano Desetnico spodobi, bo njena selitev iz centra v Šiško sama po sebi pompozna prireditev, ki se bo vsem na očeh odvila!
Umetnike in obiskovalce/gledalce bo namreč povabila, da se ji pridružijo na t. i. POTOHODU, kakor je poimenovala veliko povorko, ki bo 4. 7. ob 20:00 krenila iz Parka slovenske reformacije proti Celovški cesti, in po njej karavano vodila do Trga Prekomorskih brigad, kjer bo nato do 7. 7. osrednje festivalsko prizorišče.
Le-to bomo isti večer ob cca. 21:30 slavnostno otvorili s postavitvijo totema iz kartonastih škatel (izdelal ga bo Brane Solce) na stopnišču Prekomorcev in z okrasitvijo pročelja stavbe.
P.S.: V Parku slovenske reformacije bo od 19:00 potekala delavnica izdelovanja cofov iz barvnih trakov, ki bodo nekakšen simbol oziroma prepoznavni element povorke ter festivala v Šiški.
As befits Ana Desetnica, her move from the center to Šiška will itself be a pompous event that will unfold before everyone’s eyes!
She will invite artists and visitors/spectators to join her at the POTOHOD, as she called festival road trip in the form of the big procession, which will leave the Park of the Slovenian Reformation at 8:00 p. m. on July 4th towards Celovška cesta, and along it the caravan will lead to the Prekomorci, the central festival venue in Šiška.
At approx. 9:30 p.m. there will be an official opening of the venue – with the installation of a totem made of cardboard boxes (made by Brane Solce) on the stairs of Prekomorci and with the decoration of the facade of the building.
P.S.: In the Park of the Slovenian Reformation, a workshop will be held from 7:00 p.m. to make cofs from colored ribbons, which will be a kind of symbol or recognizable element of the procession and festival in Šiška.