V tej netipični ulični predstavi nastopajoči v vlogi Vodnikov Časa občinstvo popeljejo skozi življenje izjemnega kolesarskega šampiona Fausta Coppija – na kolesih! 20. stoletje teče pod njihovimi pedali, in vsakič, ko Vodniki začnejo pospeševati, vsi skupaj poženejo kolesje časa, in zaženejo prizore iz Coppijevega življenja, ki se začnejo prepletati z zgodovinskimi dejstvi. Od ene do druge postojanke, na katerih umetniki uprizorijo kolesarjeve najpomembnejše dosežke (od vzpona na prelaz Galibier med dirko Tour de France do končnega srečanja med Faustom Coppijem in majhnim afriškim komarjem, ki ga je pičil), se čas krči in širi, tako da navsezadnje vsi skupaj obstajajo le v sedanjosti.
Vsak ima svoje mesto v tej epski vožnji in vsaka podobnost z aktualnimi slovenskimi kolesarskimi šampioni je povedna!
Everyone is on a bicycle in this a-typical show, riding across space and time on the river of the Twentieth Century. The characters are Guides of Time, all with balinese masks, who take the spectators by the hand accompanying them through the life and times of an extraordinary cycling champion, Fausto Coppi.
The Twentieth Century runs under their wheels… then the sprint of one Guide passes through the platoon carrying a new date. Then another, and another again. Moments in Coppi’s life and historical facts hit each other like poetically propelled news, from one station to another, tightening and dilating time, making everyone exist only in the present tense.
In the stations, the most memorable feats are played, such as the climb up the Galibier in the Tour de France and other victories and defeats, up to the final meeting between Fausto Coppi and the small African mosquito which stung him.
Everyone has their place in this epic ride!