Prispela sta iz ne tako davne preteklosti in zato na današnji svet gledata skozi nekoliko drugačne oči. Mimoidoče presenečata s svojim smešnim obnašanjem, jih provocirata in nasmejita z ustvarjanjem absurdnih in nadrealističnih situacij. Občinstvo tako postane del te predstave. Glasba, ki se sliši iz njunih kovčkov, je edini namig, od kod sta neznanca prišla.
Predstava o sreči ob vrnitvi, nastop za vse, ki želijo obnoviti družbo druženja!
They Arrived from the not-so-distant past and therefore see the present-day world through somewhat different eyes. They surprise passers-by with their funny behavior, provoke and make them laugh by creating absurd and surreal situations. The audience then, becomes part of this performance. Music that is heard from their suitcases is the only clue as to where these two strangers came from.
A show about the happiness to be back, a performance for all who want to reconstruct a society of togetherness!