10 festivalskih pravil

Napotki, zapovedi, pravila igre, (kaj je) IN in (kaj je) OUT, kaj je V REDU in kaj NI V REDU – kakorkoli smo jih kdaj imenovali, vedno smo govorili o 10 pravilih primernega obnašanja na Ani Desetnici, ki so za njene zveste spremljevalce edini (ali vsaj najpomembnejši) zakon ulice.

  • Pozdravite ljudi, ki z vami spremljajo predstavo!
  • Na ulici sedežni red ne obstaja, obstaja pa dogovor, da se v prvih vrstah sedi na tleh, v srednjih vrstah so sedišča iz stiropora, v zadnjih vrstah pa so stojišča.
  • Ulično gledališče je gledališče, zato med predstavo izklopite mobilne telefone in ne klepetajte.
  • Ulica je oder, zato spoštujte prostor igralcev in ne rinite čezenj! To še posebej velja za amaterske in profesionalne fotografe ter kolesarje.
  • Ulične predstave so žive predvsem zaradi interakcije z občinstvom, zato se ne bojte, če vas artisti povabijo k sodelovanju.
  • Če v programu piše, da gre za pohodno predstavo, potem napisana lokacija pomeni začetek predstave. Glavni namen tovrstnih predstav je, da jim sledite.
  • V primeru dežja priporočamo uporabo pelerine, saj dežniki zakrivajo pogled drugim gledalcem.
  • Če se predstava ne začne točno, ne bodite slabe volje. Že res, da se zamujanje ne spodobi, ampak včasih res ne gre drugače.
  •  KUL je biti podpornik festivala!
  • Zlato pravilo: glej z očmi, ne s telefonom.


Instructions, commandments, rules of the game, what’s IN and what’s OUT, what’s OK, and what’s NOT OK – whatever their name, there have always been 10 rules of conduct at Ana Desetnica festival, which, for Ana’s faithful followers, are the only (or at least the most important) street laws.

  • Say hello to people who are watching a show with you.
  • There is no sitting order in the streets, there is, however, an agreement: front rows are for sitting on the floor, middle rows for sitting on polystyrene seats, and back rows for standing.
  • Street theatre is a theatre, so turn off your mobile phones during performances, and don’t chat.
  • A street is a stage, so don’t walk or ride all over it! This goes especially for amateur as well as professional photographers, and bikers.
  • Street performances are lively especially due to the interaction with the audience. Don’t be afraid to join in if an artist invites you.
  • If it says in the catalogue that a performance is a walkabout, and is set at a certain location, know that this is just where it starts. You are then supposed to follow the artists.
  • In case of rain, we recommend you wear a raincoat, as umbrellas block the view.
  • If the show doesn’t start on time, please don’t get cranky. Sure, it’s not nice, but it happens sometimes.
  • It’s COOL to support the festival.
  • Golden rule: Watch with your eyes, not your phones!